A top 3 scientific laser Company – Clients

The Situation

Multiple National/International Laser Photonics Leading Firms need to expand Sales Organizations. 

The Challenges

A tight labor market for the last several years, with unemployment in the 3.5-4.5% range nationally. The Laser Photonics Industry is doing well in a Covid / Post Covid business climate.  Specialized educational and professional skill sets required including: laser experience in a variety of laser modalities, ultra-fast, quantum, solid state, DPSS, direct customer and market and or applications experience. 

RA Actions

RA’s clients chose an engaged search for maximum results, and a dedicated effort to complete these assignments in a timely way.  RA as a value adding partner to our clients with detailed client knowledge of products, markets, product differentiation, candidate success factors, advocates successfully for our clients to attract proven professionals in the respective markets / territories.  Our iterative, constant feedback loop process keeps candidates engaged, providing them and clients with continuous feedback to maintain engagement resulting in results.  From telephone/zoom interviews, face to face interviews, reference checking, to offers and acceptances.  RA is there for our clients. 


All roles were filled by RA in a timely fashion.  Multiple roles filled meant sliding scale placement fees on multiple searches and extended guarantees.  One engagement fee was “rolled over” to keep RA engaged on successive talent assignments for each client.